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  • Do not get your eyelashes wet for the first two hours.

  • Do not use a spa, sauna or pool for the first 24-48 hours after appointment. The extensions need that amount of time to properly bond.

  • Be Gentle! Avoid pulling or rubbing your eyes. Keep your fingers off your lashes.

  • Brush lashes with eyelash wand brush 1-2 times a day.

  • Do not use eyelash curlers with your extensions. With proper application you will not need them.

  • Avoid MASCARA!!!

  • Keep all oil-based products away from the eyes. Remember that everything on your face will travel to the eye area. Oil WILL breakdown the adhesive and you will have premature lash extension loss.

  • ONLY use oil-free makeup remover.

  • Proper hygiene is very important. Please keep lashes clean by regular washing.

  • After showering avoid rubbing lashes, it best to blot them with a towel and let them air dry.

  • Use care when applying facial and eye creams to avoid the lash line. Too many oil-based products can break down the adhesive and cause premature lash extension loss.

  • Lash fills are recommended every two to three weeks to maintain your new eyelash extensions.

  • Do not attempt to remove any lashes on your own, call us for an appointment.

  • Do not sleep on your face, always make sure your face is off the pillow to avoid bending and breaking the lashes off.

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